
Most people have heard of Botox, but it’s not just used to smooth wrinkles anymore.  Botox is now being used in dental offices across the country for several different types of treatment. 

Patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) can be treated with Botox to alleviate the pain associated with the muscles of the temporomandibular joint.  The pain from TMD stems from hyperactivity of the muscles used during mastication (chewing).  Botox can relax those muscles and provide pain relief not previously available to patients with TMD. 

Bruxism (clenching of the teeth) not only wears down the surfaces of the teeth but also causes jaw and gum pain.  Using Botox to relax the force of the muscular contractions (along with night guard devices) can alleviate pain and reduce the stress and damage to the teeth. 

Botox provides a less invasive and less aggressive option for the treatment of a high lip line (gummy smile).  Although temporary, the Botox relaxes the lip muscles which lowers the smile line.  More permanent treatments would include gingival surgery or crown lengthening. 

Patients who experience substantial tooth loss begin to lose bone density in the jaw.  The bone loss then leads to the deterioration of the muscles of the face.  If deteriorated muscles are making it difficult to fit new dentures properly, Botox can help retrain and relax those muscles for better fitting dentures. 

Jordan Dentistry offers Botox as an answer to these problems and possibly some dental aesthetic issues (appearance of the face or mouth).  Call 770-888-6262 for an appointment to discuss Botox.