

Dental hygiene is important for more than the appearance of your smile.  Dental health has been linked to overall health and remains an important factor throughout your entire life. 

A proper oral health regimen should be started at birth.  A baby’s gums should be cleaned with a soft piece of gauze or a small rubber or silicone finger brush after each feeding to fight the growth of bacteria.  As soon as teeth begin to erupt, a soft toothbrush should be used with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste the size of a rice grain.  At age 3, the toothpaste amount should be pea-sized.  At age 2, start teaching your child to spit after brushing. 

The first oral examination should be at approximately one year or about six months after the first tooth comes through.  Examinations should continue every six months afterward. 

It is important to brush and floss twice daily, following with an antibacterial mouthwash.  This routine should begin young and continue throughout your entire life and include an examination and cleaning every six months. 

Toothbrushes should fit the size of the mouth, easily reach the back teeth, and have soft bristles.  The toothbrush should be replaced every six months to prevent the buildup of bacteria.  If you are having regular cleanings, the dentist will be giving you a new toothbrush every six months, as well as a sample of toothpaste and floss.  These samples are great for packing in overnight bags! 

Dr. Jordan recommends good oral hygiene for all of her patients.