

Jordan Dentistry provides several options for correcting gaps between teeth, misshaped or chipped teeth, or even stubborn stains.  Veneers are one of those options.  Veneers were first used at the beginning of movie-making.  The actors and actresses being filmed were requesting ways to improve the appearance of their teeth.  The first veneers were only temporary due to the lack of more permanent glue, so the veneers would have to be reapplied frequently.  Advances in adhesive technology have made veneers a good long-term solution for dental patients. 

A veneer is a thin custom-made shell of tooth-colored material that is bonded over the front of a tooth.  A veneer can cover a wide variety of dental defects. 

Veneers are available in two different materials: 

  • Porcelain:  Veneers made of porcelain do not easily stain and are custom-made and color-matched to the other remaining teeth.  They are a long-lasting and strong option.   

  • Composite resin:  Veneers made of composite resin are also easily color-matched and custom-made.  While not as strong as the porcelain veneers, if a composite resin veneer is cracked or chipped, they are easily fixed. 

Veneers of either type require less removal of tooth enamel to provide proper bonding than other tooth restorations require. 

Call Jordan Dentistry to discuss your options today.